
Homework 1
Read the following interview with Margi Bogart, Product Marketing Manager at Mindsteps, Inc. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple or Present Continuous Tense.
1.      I (work) ______ for Mindsteps, Inc, a start-up firm located in Sillicon Valley that (develop) _________ human resources management software for large corporations that (have) _______ at least 2.500 employees.
2.      Currently, we (market) _________ our main product called CareerSteps, which (be) _______ a software program that (help) ________ employees to assess their interests, values and skills to create a career development plan.
3.      More and more corporations (to buy) __________ CareerSteps as cost effective solution to the issues that human resources departments (face) ________ such as staff turnover, motivating workers and increasing employee productivity.
4.      Thanks to the success of an initial pilot, this year Hewlett-Packard (make) _________ CareerSteps available to 125.000 of their employees around the world.
5.      As the Product Marketing Manager, I (coordinate) _________ the planning and (manage) ________ the business and marketing efforts for the product.
6.      An important aspect of my job (involve) _________ making sure the product (meet) ________ the marketing requirements once it is completed.
7.      At the moment, I (contact) ________ potential clients and (work) ________ on the marketing requirements for the next version of our product.
8.      On Tuesday, we (present) __________ the innovative features of the new version of CareerSteps to our main customers.
Homework 2

Ex. 1 Translate from Russian into English:
  1. Мы – маленькая / средняя / крупная компания.
  2. Мы – государственная / частная компания.
  3. Мы – дочерняя компания / филиал. Наша головная компания находится в ….
  4. Я работаю в ОАО / ЗАО / ООО.
  5. Управляющий директор отвечает за ежедневное руководство компанией.
  6. Управляющий директор отчитывается перед Советом директоров.
  7. Ему помогают начальники 4 отделов.
  8. В нашей компании 6 отделов.
  9. Кадровый состав нашей компании насчитывает 120 чел. Большинство работников – женщины.
  10. Под моим руководством находятся 40 работников.
  11. Я напрямую подчиняюсь начальнику производственного отдела.
  12. В 2004 г. меня приняли в компанию на испытательный срок, длившийся 3 месяца.
  13. Я присоединился к компании в 2005 г. в качестве помощника бухгалтера. В 2007 г. меня повысили до бухгалтера.

Ex. 2 Complete the job titles

Financial analyst

Специалист по изучению рынка сбыта
Business analyst

Securities analyst

Production engineer

Менеджер по продажам

Mechanical engineer


Инженер-разработчик программного обеспечения
Export Sales Manager

Главный бухгалтер

Начальник отдела кадров

Торговый представитель

Сотрудник по правовым вопросам
Network manager

Chief Technology officer

Главный финансовый директор

Ex.3 Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or Present Continuous tense:
  1. She (to attend) ________ a training course this week.
  2. We (to use) ____________ suppliers in Singapore.
  3. I (not to travel) _________ in the region at the moment.
  4. Our company (to manufacture) _________ mobile phones.
  5. Business (not to start) ___________ on the stock exchange until tomorrow at 9 am.
  6. Dramatic changes (to take place) ___________ in a company structure.
  7. (to meet) __________ shareholders on Monday?
  8. The first answer (not to be) ____________ very positive.
Homework 3

Ex.1 Complete the sentences with the Past Simple or Past Continuous tense.

  1. When I (get) home, I (hear) your phone message.
  2. When the computer (crash) I (print out) last month’s figures.
  3. While the plane (take off), I (start) to feel unwell.
  4. He (want) a reliable firm, so we (choose) Phillips.
  5. When I (arrive) at the office Jan (wait for) me.
  6. The door (to be) open, so I (knock) and (come in).
  7. They (argue) about the merger when he suddenly (lose) his temper.
  8. While I (load up) a new software, the computer (crash).
  9. While she (check) the invoices, she (notice) a mistake.
  10. What you (do) while I (interview) candidates for the sales job?

To check yourself on this topic you may visit these links to do some on-line tests:

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