End-of-term test (sample)

I.               Give equivalents:

1.      сберегательный счёт
2.      вклад
3.      to decrease money supply
4.      public company
5.      продавать облигации
6.      чистая прибыль
7.      annual revenue
8.      MD
9.      отчитываться перед кем-то
10.  HR department
11.  ссуда
12.  обычные акции
13.  to determine company’s goals
14.  акционерный капитал компании
15.  отвечать за
16.  to cool economy
17.  акции престижных компаний
18.  bull
19.  отдел по работе с клиентами
20.  резервные требования

II.            Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form:

1.      These company (to get) quoted in 2002. - got (fact)
2.      I guess those people (to speak) French now. - are speaking (process)
3.      While she (to trace) the stock indexes on the TV, her son (to surf) the Internet. (PAST) - was tracing (process), was surfing (process)
4.      FTSE-100 (to decline) slowly since last Monday. - has declined/has been declining (result or duration in the period)
5.      Internet fraud (to increase) all over the world. - is increasing (process)

III.          Define the non-finite verb form and state its function.

1.      We walked three miles without meeting anyone. - Gerund (есть предлог without)
2.      He is not a man to be asked about. - Infinitive
3.      He wanted his students to note the differences between various banks. - Complex Object
4.      The railway connecting these two cities is of great importance - Participle 1
5.      I have never heard you sing. - Complex Object
6.      He gave up smoking two years ago. - Gerund (есть предлог up)
7.      CAC-40 was seen to fall. - Complex Subject
8.      The money allocated to the production of this film is insufficient. - Participle 2
9.      You are likely to succeed. - Complex Subject
10.  The economist is interested in factors affected the allocation or resources for producing particular goods. - Participle 2
Those students who didn't pass the topics get ready to answer these questions:
Central banks:
  1.  What's the difference between Central bank and normal banks?  
  2. What are normal banks responsible for? 
  3. What are the functions of Central bank?
  4. In what way can Central bank control a country's economy?
Company finance and stock markets:
  1. How many ways does a company have to raise capital? 
  2. How is capital distributed in the company?
  3. What's the differnece between public and private companies?
  4. What is Stock Exchange?
  5. What are brokers?
  6. What's the difference between bulls and bears?
  7. What stock indexes do you know? What do they show?

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